Saturday, 28 February 2015

Daily Image - Penguin of the Day for February 28, 2015 - British Antarctic Survey

Daily Image - Penguin of the Day for February 28, 2015 - British Antarctic Survey:

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NSW residents warned: beware the Fur Seal | Sunshine Coast Daily

NSW residents warned: beware the Fur Seal | Sunshine Coast Daily:

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BBC News - Arctic bowhead whale seen off Isles of Scilly

BBC News - Arctic bowhead whale seen off Isles of Scilly:

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Biologist aims to grow rhino horns to save animals from poachers | Toronto Star

Biologist aims to grow rhino horns to save animals from poachers | Toronto Star:

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BBC - Earth - Do whales have graveyards where they prefer to die?

BBC - Earth - Do whales have graveyards where they prefer to die?:

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White Wolf : 15 Adorable Photos Of Mother Animals Carrying Their Young In Their Mouths

White Wolf : 15 Adorable Photos Of Mother Animals Carrying Their Young In Their Mouths:

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Salish Sea seagull populations halved since 1980s

Salish Sea seagull populations halved since 1980s:

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How saving West African forests might have prevented the Ebola epidemic | Vital Signs | The Guardian

How saving West African forests might have prevented the Ebola epidemic | Vital Signs | The Guardian:

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EU, others: Catch plans for Bluefin tuna threaten recovery

EU, others: Catch plans for Bluefin tuna threaten recovery:

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China's latest survey finds increase in wild giant pandas

China's latest survey finds increase in wild giant pandas:

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International Polar Bear Day - in pictures | Environment | The Guardian

International Polar Bear Day - in pictures | Environment | The Guardian:

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Photographer captures the nutty lives of squirrels in snow

Photographer captures the nutty lives of squirrels in snow: "Vadim Trunov has an eye for wildlife that can make even the peskiest of squirrels seem lovable."

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Friday, 27 February 2015

Wolf OR-7 Story Map | Wolf OR-7 Expedition

Wolf OR-7 Story Map | Wolf OR-7 Expedition:

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Australia defence ship Ocean Shield docks in Hobart raising hopes illegal fishing boat patrols will start - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Australia defence ship Ocean Shield docks in Hobart raising hopes illegal fishing boat patrols will start - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):

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Life in the Arctic as a walrus - WWF Canada BlogWWF Canada Blog

Life in the Arctic as a walrus - WWF Canada BlogWWF Canada Blog:

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Only 81 of These Killer Whales Are Left, but Their Chances of Survival Just Got a Big Boost | TakePart

Only 81 of These Killer Whales Are Left, but Their Chances of Survival Just Got a Big Boost | TakePart:

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10 More Fascinating Facts about the Majestic Sea Turtle

10 More Fascinating Facts about the Majestic Sea Turtle:

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Video: Watch: Octopus attacks crab in surprise attack leading to deadly battle - Telegraph

Video: Watch: Octopus attacks crab in surprise attack leading to deadly battle - Telegraph:

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White Wolf : A New Wolf Film, "Snow Wolf Family and Me" Shows Secret Life of Wild Wolves

White Wolf : A New Wolf Film, "Snow Wolf Family and Me" Shows Secret Life of Wild Wolves:

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Sea Shepherd Australia :: Sea Shepherd Australia applauds City Beach for acknowledging the importance of sharks

Sea Shepherd Australia :: Sea Shepherd Australia applauds City Beach for acknowledging the importance of sharks:

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China bans ivory carving imports for a year | Environment | The Guardian

China bans ivory carving imports for a year | Environment | The Guardian:

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Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Killer whales and walruses more closely related to wolves than each other | ScienceNordic

Killer whales and walruses more closely related to wolves than each other | ScienceNordic:

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Daily Image - Penguin of the Day for February 24, 2015 - British Antarctic Survey

Daily Image - Penguin of the Day for February 24, 2015 - British Antarctic Survey:

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Wild Humpback Whale Performs a Show for Whale Watchers That Puts SeaWorld Spectacles to Shame (VIDEO) | One Green Planet

Wild Humpback Whale Performs a Show for Whale Watchers That Puts SeaWorld Spectacles to Shame (VIDEO) | One Green Planet:

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New Study Helps Scientists Understand Polar Bear Diets | Polar Bears International

New Study Helps Scientists Understand Polar Bear Diets | Polar Bears International: "It used to be that polar bears ate mainly one thing—seals. Maybe they’d munch a little kelp while waiting for sea ice to form or chow down on a beached whale, but the bulk of their nutrition and sustenance came from seals."

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Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Watch What Happens Behind the Scenes During the Cove Dolphin Roundup | TakePart

Watch What Happens Behind the Scenes During the Cove Dolphin Roundup | TakePart:

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Genetic evidence shows loss of three basic tastes in penguins

Genetic evidence shows loss of three basic tastes in penguins:

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Pangolin conservation corrupted/immense losses explained. | Conservation | The Earth Times

Pangolin conservation corrupted/immense losses explained. | Conservation | The Earth Times:

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Beluga Whale Dies in Captivity at SeaWorld Because of a Broken Jaw … What?! | One Green Planet

Beluga Whale Dies in Captivity at SeaWorld Because of a Broken Jaw … What?! | One Green Planet:

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Giving power to the people: Madagascar creates first community-controlled shark sanctuary - Seychelles News Agency

Giving power to the people: Madagascar creates first community-controlled shark sanctuary - Seychelles News Agency:

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Photo Essay - Antarctic Penguins, Antarctica

Photo Essay - Antarctic Penguins, Antarctica:

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BBC - Earth - Crabs build 'temples of love'

BBC - Earth - Crabs build 'temples of love':

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Watch Adorable Red Pandas Have More Fun in the Snow Than Anyone | TakePart

Watch Adorable Red Pandas Have More Fun in the Snow Than Anyone | TakePart:

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Monday, 23 February 2015

9 Absurdly Old Animals Who Have Outlived Humans

9 Absurdly Old Animals Who Have Outlived Humans:

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Ecosystems are wonderfully, frustratingly complex. Take it from the gulls.

Ecosystems are wonderfully, frustratingly complex. Take it from the gulls.:

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Brian Blessed Gets Behind Campaign To Ban Wild Animal Circuses - Look to the Stars

Brian Blessed Gets Behind Campaign To Ban Wild Animal Circuses - Look to the Stars:

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Nearly 100 false killer whales spotted off San Diego coast - KGTV ABC10 San Diego

Nearly 100 false killer whales spotted off San Diego coast - KGTV ABC10 San Diego:

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AP PHOTOS: Antarctica, a window into mankind's future

AP PHOTOS: Antarctica, a window into mankind's future:

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Help stop slaughter of elephants, David Attenborough tells Xi Jinping - Telegraph

Help stop slaughter of elephants, David Attenborough tells Xi Jinping - Telegraph:

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Stop Slaughter of Harbor Seals in Alaska - ForceChange

Stop Slaughter of Harbor Seals in Alaska - ForceChange:

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Snubfin dolphins and whales need better safe havens off Western Australia | Business Insider

Snubfin dolphins and whales need better safe havens off Western Australia | Business Insider:

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Thursday, 19 February 2015

White Wolf : Arctic Fox Leaves An Unexpected Gift For Wildlife Photographer. (VIDEO)

White Wolf : Arctic Fox Leaves An Unexpected Gift For Wildlife Photographer. (VIDEO):

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5 Seals Who Are So Happy to Be Back in the Ocean

5 Seals Who Are So Happy to Be Back in the Ocean:

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Climate change does not bode well for picky eaters | Open Science

Climate change does not bode well for picky eaters | Open Science:

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South Carolina waters proposed as right whale calving critical habitat - Post and Courier

South Carolina waters proposed as right whale calving critical habitat - Post and Courier:

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Siberian tiger video suggests species is returning to China, conservationists say | Environment | The Guardian

Siberian tiger video suggests species is returning to China, conservationists say | Environment | The Guardian:

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Researchers identify, name toxic cyanobacteria killing American bald eagles

Researchers identify, name toxic cyanobacteria killing American bald eagles:

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Great White Sharks Are Late Bloomers

Great White Sharks Are Late Bloomers:

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Turns Out Scientists Know What's Better For Wolves Than Congress

Turns Out Scientists Know What's Better For Wolves Than Congress:

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Wolves in Paradise? Yellowstone's Wolves in Transition | Cristina Eisenberg

Wolves in Paradise? Yellowstone's Wolves in Transition | Cristina Eisenberg:

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Dolphins set up home in the Mediterranean after the last Ice Age

Dolphins set up home in the Mediterranean after the last Ice Age:

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Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Striped dolphin meat test results | Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

Striped dolphin meat test results | Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project:

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Antarctica Wildlife in Pictures: The Leopard Seal | Destination Unknown

Antarctica Wildlife in Pictures: The Leopard Seal | Destination Unknown:

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Dog Abandoned At Train Station Cries For Hours

Dog Abandoned At Train Station Cries For Hours: "A passer-by caught this heartbreaking photo of an abandoned dog sitting alone at a train station with his eyes filled with tears."

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In Greenland, desperate cold calls for innovative measures | The Arctic Journal

In Greenland, desperate cold calls for innovative measures | The Arctic Journal:

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Why is southern sea ice increasing?

Why is southern sea ice increasing?:

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BBC News - Scottish marine protection plan 'unambitious'

BBC News - Scottish marine protection plan 'unambitious':

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Sea Shepherd Global - Sea Shepherd Ship Triples Record for Longest Sea Chase of a Poacher as it Enters Third Month of Pursuit

Sea Shepherd Global - Sea Shepherd Ship Triples Record for Longest Sea Chase of a Poacher as it Enters Third Month of Pursuit:

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Cooperative fin whales in Baja California | Nature | The Earth Times

Cooperative fin whales in Baja California | Nature | The Earth Times:

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Monday, 16 February 2015

Four arrested for allegedly attempting to export 150 native animals to Europe | Environment | The Guardian

Four arrested for allegedly attempting to export 150 native animals to Europe | Environment | The Guardian:

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Ireland’s Edge – Cliffs of Moher | Baldhiker

Ireland’s Edge – Cliffs of Moher | Baldhiker:

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Tale of Two Seals: Winners and Losers in a Warming Arctic - ImaGeo

Tale of Two Seals: Winners and Losers in a Warming Arctic - ImaGeo:

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Cannibalism Suspected in Seal Deaths Off Scotland : Discovery News

Cannibalism Suspected in Seal Deaths Off Scotland : Discovery News:

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Reviving recovery plan - Local

Reviving recovery plan - Local:

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Tour boat strikes humpback whale - Local

Tour boat strikes humpback whale - Local:

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This is what it looks like when 300 manatees throw a rager

This is what it looks like when 300 manatees throw a rager:

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In the oil vs. wildlife fight, Sarah Palin says caribou should "take one for the team"

In the oil vs. wildlife fight, Sarah Palin says caribou should "take one for the team":

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White Wolf : 15 Animal Couples That Prove True Love Exists In The Animal Kingdom

White Wolf : 15 Animal Couples That Prove True Love Exists In The Animal Kingdom:

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Why Sea Otters are the Eco-Warriors of California’s Coast | One Green Planet

Why Sea Otters are the Eco-Warriors of California’s Coast | One Green Planet:

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Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Oregon wildlife officials to consider removing gray wolves from endangered species list |

Oregon wildlife officials to consider removing gray wolves from endangered species list |

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White Wolf : 15 Photos Of Adorable Howling Wolf Pups Will Make Your Day

White Wolf : 15 Photos Of Adorable Howling Wolf Pups Will Make Your Day:

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A Voice for the Red Wolf | Wolves and Writing

A Voice for the Red Wolf | Wolves and Writing:

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Scientists alarmed by rise in dolphin strandings on Irish shores

Scientists alarmed by rise in dolphin strandings on Irish shores:

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BBC News - Morrissey scraps Iceland gig over vegetarian demands

BBC News - Morrissey scraps Iceland gig over vegetarian demands: "Morrissey scraps Iceland gig over vegetarian demands"

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Hong Kong marine expert calls for animal rescue rules after Chinese white dolphin injured by boat | South China Morning Post

Hong Kong marine expert calls for animal rescue rules after Chinese white dolphin injured by boat | South China Morning Post:

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Monday, 2 February 2015

Call to arms: Hunters dwindle as animal numbers explode | The Japan Times

Call to arms: Hunters dwindle as animal numbers explode | The Japan Times:

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U.N. Meeting Could Lead to Action on High Seas Conservation

U.N. Meeting Could Lead to Action on High Seas Conservation:

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How the Wild Dolphin Feeding Industry Threatens This Species’ Survival | One Green Planet

How the Wild Dolphin Feeding Industry Threatens This Species’ Survival | One Green Planet:

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These Orangutans Just Can’t Seem to Comprehend Why We Need Palm Oil | One Green Planet

These Orangutans Just Can’t Seem to Comprehend Why We Need Palm Oil | One Green Planet: "Deforestation from palm oil production has led to the loss of 90 percent of the orangutan’s natural habitat."

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10 amazing facts you didn't know about Irish birds | Irish Examiner

10 amazing facts you didn't know about Irish birds | Irish Examiner: "10 amazing facts you didn’t know about Irish birds"

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Sunday, 1 February 2015

How to eradicate grey squirrels without firing a shot | George Monbiot | Environment | The Guardian

How to eradicate grey squirrels without firing a shot | George Monbiot | Environment | The Guardian:

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Rare encounter with friendly Blainville’s beaked whales off Kaiwi Point | West Hawaii Today

Rare encounter with friendly Blainville’s beaked whales off Kaiwi Point | West Hawaii Today:

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BBC News - Ageing whales: Scars reveal social secrets

BBC News - Ageing whales: Scars reveal social secrets:

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Sea Shepherd to Hold 32 Peaceful Demonstrations Against Taiji Dolphin Slaughter on “World Love for Dolphins Day” - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Sea Shepherd to Hold 32 Peaceful Demonstrations Against Taiji Dolphin Slaughter on “World Love for Dolphins Day” - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society:

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Pangolins: 13 facts about the world's most hunted animal - Telegraph

Pangolins: 13 facts about the world's most hunted animal - Telegraph:

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White Wolf : I am Atka, The White Wolf, Hear Me Howl

White Wolf : I am Atka, The White Wolf, Hear Me Howl:

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